Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Oscar's Last Night at Coachella Community Homes

By Moises Huerta

Oscar Guevara's art workshop at the Coachella Community Homes had their last night on Friday, October 23. There was pizza & juice for all the students. I dropped in and was treated to some pizza & to their beautiful work. It is not just the art but watching the students' characters develop knowing that someone cares about their creativity and talent. Thank you Oscar.

                  Here is their excellent work!
Everything that the students chose to use on their letters came from items at home.

Their creativity is truly amazing!

                          Oscar says this is the class mascot.
                              Lots of detail in these letters to 
                         express each student's individuality.

Karina's creativity comes in many forms
The maturity is these young students is amazing!
                             Thank you McCallum Theatre
                         for your attention to the East Valley.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

McCallum Theatre Family Fun Day

By Moises Huerta 

McCallum Theatre Presents Fourth Annual Family Fun Day!
Our Crisalida Art Van was a very prominent feature this year at the McCallum Theatre Family Fun Day, a fundraising event for the McCallum Theatre with proceeds benefiting Theatre operations and arts education and outreach programs that McCallum provides to the community. 

Family Fun Day began at noon on October 18 in front of the McCallum Theatre. There were loads of fun activities for the entire family…including face painting, balloon pops, a silent auction with great prizes, hula hoops, food vendors, cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn, action figures, a clown, music and balloon animals.
I couldn't resist getting a picture of this awesome face painting job.

The party really got going when the Mariachis provided by Crisalida got there and performed from 1-2 pm.
 This is what I meant by prominent, right in front, with Oscar's Art displayed around the Art Van.
On a Family Fun Day it is only fitting to have a nice family photo.

I sat in that chair and gave away a lot of children's books. It was fun seeing the children's expressions as they picked out the books.
                The Mariachis looked sharp in their outfits and 
                    their music was a real hit with the crowd.
Another Crisalida job well done. Thank you McCallum Theatre!

Mecca FRC (Family Resource Center) Fair

Monday, October 12, 2015

National Night Out Featuring AMFM

By Moises Huerta

Tuesday, October 6 was the 2015 date for National Night Out, a yearly event that brings the people in the community and the Fire and Police Departments together for an evening of information, food, and fun. This year was a little extra special because Crisalida was there providing the bad ass sound of AMFM. Following are photos from various participants. A shout out to Target for sponsoring the event & to Rosalva Campos for hooking us up.

A special thank you to the McCallum Theatre for believing we in the East Valley have something to offer the Art World. And thank you to all who continue to support our efforts to illuminate what was always there all along, East Valley Community Talent. That's what Crisalida is all about, bringing out our shine.
This is one member of AMFM, Rolo.

And this is Mario "The Giant" Garcia also of AMFM.

       This is a top notch facility. Please drop by and check it out.                                    Your teens will love it!
The Emergency Community Response Team (plus Irene Rodriguez) provided lots of info.

The Target Mascot Dog pulled me in for a group photo.

These are Indio's Finest. They are there when we need them. Respect.  

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Crisalida Week in Review

By Moises Huerta

Hello Everyone,

Been so busy behind the scenes that I hadn't submitted a blog in a minute. So here's what's been going on in Crisalida-land. David Gonzalez and I had a very nice visit with Nancy Vance from the Indio Senior Center on Sept 23rd where we brainstormed regarding upcoming events involving Olga Loya, a wonderful performer & workshop facilitator from Fresno ( who will be in the Coachella Valley November 16-20. There is a great vibe at the ISC every time I have been there. They have a great facility there and lots of potential for collaborating.

                                                              Nancy Vance and I
  On Sept 24 we did some equipment organizing and storing. Oscar is down for the count.
The rest of the week was devoted to the 10 Minute Play Fest that involved 7 plays which all took place at a taqueria. The subject matter ranged from issues of immigration, abortion, Alzheimer's, grieving of a lost love, veganism, and a tattoo love triangle that had a gay theme.  Sept 24th was dress rehearsal for Tacos, Teardrops, & Tequila. Sept 25th and 26th were performance nights and the turnout was impressive. Following are highlights from the three evening's performances.

David conducting a Q & A after the dress rehearsal.
Jorge Perezchica zooming in for a good shot.

Carlos Garcia stole the show with a sentimental story of the celebration of a love that has passed on.
All the actors joining hands raised on a job well done. Bravo!

                        My friend Juan Rodriguez was a big help in getting the food table set up.

                                  Check out David's blog on the 10 Min Play Fest...great pics!